Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daniel Fast _Jan10, Jan11


This 꿀호박죽 tastes so good! Took this for breakfast for Wed.
I also cooked brown rice pilaf with mushrooms and spinarch, dried apricot, and toasted walnut with cider vinegar for lunch today. Had it with orange salad and thai corn soup from pret. Tasted so good.

I am actually enjoyingmore and more of this Daniel fast, makes me concentrate more on the good food, clean eating and makes me more energized!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daniel Fast _Jan10 (Mon)


쥐눈이콩 brown rice with dates
mixed green salad with orange (lemon + french mustard + cider vinegar dressing)
chilli tofu (with tomato puree, sweet corn, azuki beans cooked in vegetable stock)

쥐눈이콩 tastes so good, and because I put dates when cooking rice, this was surprisingly sweet. can eat the rice itself.
This rice is also very filling, I don't get hungry for a long long time.
Chilli tofu was also good for winter, something soupy and spicy.

After I had this for lunch, I didn't get hungry at all until 6pm ish...
I actually thought something was wrong in this fast becuase I never got hungry...
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Daniel Fast_Jan8 (Sat)


하나구시에서. 낫또와 단팥죽

낫또는... 밥이 있어야 했는데 너무 짜서 남겨버렷다
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Daniel Fast _Jan5(Thur)


Orange salad with Azuki beans and baby spinarch, orange juice+ french mustard + cider vinegar dressing
Carrot soup with cut carrots, onions, and garlic with parseley topping

- 당근 수프를 만들려던 것은 아니었는데 베지터블 스톡인줄 알고 샀던 것이 알고보니 당근 수프 스톡이었다.
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