Monday, September 24, 2007


- staying at home: sister got sick. parents went down to granma's

- got a new VOGUE: i dont buy them regularly but sometimes i just want to read them, usually once every season changes

- this VOGUE: they weigh 2.2 kg , and they wrote in the editor's letter that they are pround, saying this proves they are one of the best (getting that much of ads). IS THIS A LAPTOP? actually, maybe they weigh more than a laptop. ridiculous, i thought

- but importantly, i didnt recognize it was because of the grateful ADs, thought , oh, they have more things to talk about?

- anyway, sanpshot of this afternoon: the heavier VOGUE and a afternoon tea (sister got it from work, somebody went to biz trip got this to her. it always surprises me how nice things they give whenever somebody goes on a biz trip. well, they are designers, so they collect things to impress people, thats one reason. but one time, a lady a got her EsteeLauder powder. why? in our office, they buy one box of chocolate. if they are nice, Lindt, if not, just one cheap box. )
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