Saturday, June 18, 2005

i am well and safe ^^

hey everybody. sorry for writing in english. my computer gone crazy again, it's very complicated situation but anyway, i'll try to fix him soon.

i am well and safe as i said.
i go to the office round 8.30. in the morning and leave round 8.30-9.00 pm.
it's just people are working until then, especially my boss,
so can't leave earlier

what i like most is the people around.
not quite as i imagined what traders would be like
they are very nice people,
although really busy when asian markets are open.

especially, my boss, Jong Beum,
he's Korea, and the head of the trading team in HK
he's always smiling and look after us, four trainees

im not doing that much of work for now
(although i pretend to work very hard -_-)

all other 3 trainees are from engineering
one is undergrad,
the other one is Master,
and the last one isPh. D
and i feel i am so ignorant! ((Moo-Sik0-Hea)
yesterday, we were talking about something like
Markov process and didn't get it
they were all saying some other language

i didn't quite expect TRADING would involve this much
mathematical backgrounds

but from the things i've been seeing
the majority of TRADERS are from engineering
and trading while developing their own strategies and stuff.

sometimes i feel like i may fail already

but on the other hand, i try to cheer up myself-it's gonna take time to get used to everything

well, i know nobody would like english posting
i'll try to write soon and post up some pictures.

but next saturday,
i've got a licensing exam
so until then, should be busy

keep in touch
thanks ^^

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