Monday, March 24, 2008

Sai Kung

There was some odd creatures (no clue what it was), in front of some restaurants.Guess it's for kids and tourists to take photos but this thing was obviously alive and moving...

There are many restaurnats along the water, looks a few of them are owned by same owner( although seperate restaurant, same name) and I didn't know which was particularly famous. We just went to a random one. Since we had a big Sunday brunch buffet before the dinner I was quite full and so was mum. Only my dad was all excited ordering some seafood.

In Sai Kung, you choose your own seafood from the tanks, they charge you for the seafood. Then you choose how you would like to cook your things, and then they charge you for the cooking.We orderd some shrumps, avalon (전복), 맛, 가리비. I only took one shrimp (I was full till the end of the day from the brunch) but my dad was very happy about the food. We paid round 350HKD for the seafood itself but the final bill came out to round 650 HKD. That means they charge A LOT for the cooking. (Or your seafood price is artificially low)

After having a nice meal there, we took the minibus back to Choi Hung Stn, then headed to TST for the night view. Took Star Ferry back to central, and it was round 11pm when got home.
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Sai Kung

Sai Kung is one of the famous villages famous for its seafood restaurant in HK. Others inc. Lama Island (been there twice, like 2 years ago but people say it's more touristy), Cheung Chu (haven't been there), etc. We decided to go to Sai Kung since my Dad was asking for local seafood. It takes about 1 hour from Central. You take MTR to Choi Hong (Green Line), then go out to Exit C. There are mini buses going to Sai Kung. You take this one and get off in the very end- bus station. The whole trip (by MTR-Mini bus) takes round 20 HKD one way. 돈은 좀 들지만, 가까운 데 (대중교통으로 1시간)에서 지하철, 버스를 타고 갈 수 있는 거리에 이런 어촌이 있다는 사실은 참 편리한것 같다. 서울에서 인천만 갈려고 해도 쉽지 않은 거리/비용인데...

Some giant fish in a big tank: What for?

Shrimps- my beloved seafood kind

Some outside tables-however we stayed inside.
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Day trip to Macau - it's about 1 hour ferry from HK. I felt it would be NOT SAFE if i wouldn't book a ticket before. , but somehow I just felt lazy (as usual) and decided to go to the terminal on the day to get tickets. Well, we arrived at the terminal at round 11am, and the earliest we could get was 2pm (if take Economy) or 1pm(if pay 100HKD more). Worse yet, coming back ferry was only available for midnight(if take Economy) or 11 pm(if pay 100 HKD more). If it was me and friends, I wouldn't pay for extra for going late and coming back late, but since I was with parents, I opted to pay bit more for bit better schedule.

Return ferry for HK-Macau ended up round 530 HKD (since I had to pay 200 HKD extra), otherwise it would have cost round 300-350 HKD. There was MANY people going to Macau, both HK and tourists. Ferry was full all day (every 15 minutes per operator, and there is a handful of operators) and when we got Macau, it took 1 hr to go through the custom.

Rainy day it was, when we got to the central area of the city, it rained the most. First we headed to the central district, where there is senado square(with famous swirly tiles) and several other things to see. But it rained so much, we just lingered round 10-20 mins there then took a bus to go to TAIPA village.

There is roughly 2 areas in Macau, the main island (where the Macau ferry terminal is located), Taipa, and Coloane.
In Taipa, there is this famously extravaganza Venetian resort (all the other resorts/ casinos are in the main island), and small cute old village where you see the colonial residences.

In Taipa, there is a small short street where people sell some Macau's snacks like beef jerkies and egg snacks, etc. I was looking for a place with the famous egg tart, but couldn't find any. Think it is a big irony!

Taipa마을에 가면은 이렇게 포르투갈 식민지 시대의 집이랑이 남아있다. 어딜갔는지 사람들은 안보이고.
예쁘다면서 알록달록, 노랑 초록색 집들이랑 사진을 찍는데,
홍콩에서 애프터눈티도 그렇고, 또 상해의 와이탄도 그렇고 (유명한 강가의 야경)
다들 식민지 시대의 유산들인데 사실 그런 것들이 예뻐보이고 또 사는 사람들에게도 명소가 되고 그런게
뭐랄까, 죄스런 건 아니지만 이상한 기분이었달까.
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Saturday, March 22, 2008

영달이 시집간다

내친구 영달이 오늘 시집간다
가서 축하해 줘야 하는데 못갔다
영달아, 오늘 못가서 미안하지만 무지 무지 축하혀, 내맘 알지?

아... 그래도 친구들 결혼하는 것 아직도 실감 안나 ㅋㅋㅋ
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Afternoon tea at Marriot (HK) -cont.

Orange: on top, it is a kind of small sponge cake with orange/ mango source. You dip in the bottom part of fruity source with wild strawberry.

Green: dont' know what it is, my mum tried it. Looks like it is made or apple, or maybe olive?

They have extensive list of tea. Mainly Western, but some Chinese also.
I ordered Earl Grey (thought if they are good, then the traditional black tea will be superior), but I didn't notice any significant quality difference. Maybe it's me, I don't have sophisticated enough taste bud...

Many kinds of cookies in the jar, which I haven't even touched!
The yellow cake in the center, how people make those kind of shaped cakes?
Anyways, it tasted good with a bit of rasberry source...

Parents in town.
I know people say I am boring. Whenever short holiday I mostly spend time with family.
These days not even my sisters are coming along(they are BUSY) but only parents.

Well, but I think it's about time I want to experience them something nice...
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Afternoon tea at Marriot (HK)

I am normally not a kind of person taking pictures while dining, mainly because I am very impatient when I have food in front of me.
I usually get too exited and cannot wait to start eating, so it is almost always impossible for me to take pictures, whatever. Also I find it someitme very superficial when some people try to impress others with their 'fine dining experience'.

Recently, however I found some informative blog entries which I enjoyed reading (of their dining experiences). Thought it would be good if I can do some of that kind, and here I go with my afternoon tea at Marriot in HK today.

I heard much about afternoon tea in major hotels in HK. I did not see any 'actual' people (other than tourists) who do afternoon tea in HK though, if there is any, then it is nothing more than usual chit-chatting with coffee/ tea which is happening anyway anywhere round the world. It it true, however, that especially in HK, major hotels do afternoon tea or sometimes afternoon tea buffet. Since my parents are visiting me in town, I took them to one at Marriot. This is my first (and also maybe the last) afternoon tea in HK.

This was a afternoon tea buffet and it was PACKED. We had to eat at the very corner because we didn't make reservation. Today was publuc holiday in HK and obviously many people are doing afternoon tea today. They serve not only tea/ desserts, but also somethings for lunch-eg. dimsum, congees, salads, sushi, sandwhiches, crepes, waffles, etc. And then, for sure fine desserts. Can't know how they are called, but the quality was very very good...

The buffet comes with one pot of coffee or pot of tea per person. You can choose from their extensive tea list. We have asked them to change the seat if any harbour view seats are available, and after about 1.5 hrs eating at the very corner, we were moved to the bright seats where everyone else was enjoying their tea. High ceiling and good quality of dessert made all of us very happy.

After eating and talking and occupying the seat for about 2.5 hrs, it was time to leave (5pm) and we were full for the day. Costs little less than HKD 300 /psn. Yes, it is pricey. Would I come back? Maybe only if I have special guest in town. I would not be enjoying those ceremony often mainly because I in general don't want to do buffet (3-4 times more expensive than normal meal which makes you always overeat). But this was nice relaxing one with sun coming into the glass window! Take your friends there if they are new in town and fancy girly dessert afternoon.

I want to know its name. This one was very nice. Buiscuits caramelized and with custard cream.
Sounds very fatty and it is fatty but sinful joy for the weekend.

Chocolate mousse at the back was superb!

The chocolate cake was real!!

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008


1. 이번주는 부활절이 껴 있어서 금요일날 쉬니까
이틀만 더 있으면 (수, 목) 그럼 되는거니까
조금만 더 참자
이틀밖에 안남았다

2. 그래도 심드러...

3. welcome back

Sunday, March 16, 2008

sunday morning bear

아침 운동갔다와서 보니까비록 열리지는 않는 창문이지만그 창문가에 놓인 책들과, 오기 전에 친구한테 선물받은 뻘건 시계와 나름 나쁘지 않은 창문밖 경치가 이뻐서침대위에 있던 나의 친구 곰돌이 (홍콩 오자마자 IKEA에서 건진)를 창가에 두고주일 아침의 상쾌함을 찍었다
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These are a few of my favorite things

These are a few of my favorite things....

사운드 오브 뮤직에 보면은 우울하고 비가 쾅쾅 내릴 때 ( 맞나?)
그 여자애가 these are a few of my favorite things를 부르는데
지금도 비가 쾅콰쾅 내리는 것 과 같은 심정의 일요일 저녁이므로
내가 좋아하는 몇가지를 나열하면서 자가 위로를 삼아본다

1. 책에서 클로이는 주말에, 일요일 저녁에 우울해지면 먹을 초콜렛을 쟁여둔다는데
나도 어저께 커피 마시고 받은 초콜렛 하나가 우연히 지금 발견되었다,
기대하지 않은 즐거움!

2. 아침 일찍 운동갔다가 DVD를 보면서 한시간 동안 걷는 것이 지루하지 않게 느껴질 때,
그리고 나서 따땃하게 사우나 하고 깔끔하게 두통이 사라진 머리를 말린 후에
공짜로 주는 사과를 휴지로 쓱쓱 물기 말린 후에
우적우적 씹으면서 집으로 돌아올 때

(사과 다 먹고 나서 손에 남아서 끈적대는 것은 싫음!)

3. 오늘 처럼, 아침에 운동갔다왔는데도 시간이 많이 남았을 때 (사진을 보라 아직 열한시도 안됐잖아!)

4. 가끔씩 아주 운 좋을 때 생기는, 새로운 사람을 만났는데 불편하지 않고 괜찮을 때
오늘 교회에서 지난 6개월간 새신자들을 모아놓고 저녁을 같이 먹었는데
같은 테이블에 앉았던 언니(라고 추측함)랑 다른 사람들 모두
오랜만에 처음인데도 불편하지 않고 유쾌한 팀일 때

5. 햇빛 많이 드는 곳에서 요즘처럼 날씨 좋은 계절에 먹는 점심
like what I did today...

딴건 별로 생각 안남

Saturday, March 15, 2008

friday night

이번주는 무지무지 스트레스를 많이 받았던 한주였다
왜그랬는지는 모르겠는데 유난히 별로 운이 없었던 한주기도 했었고
사실인지 아닌지 모르겠지만 머리가 안돌아가기 시작함을 인지한 주이기도 하다
사실인지 아닌지 모르겠는 이유는
생각을 빨리 해야한다고 안에서는 외치는데
머리는 정지되어서 멍한 상태가 한참 유지되는데
이게 의식적인건지 (생각하지 말아야지라고 스스로한테 명령하는건지) 무의식적이고 자연스럽게 머리가 안돌아가는 건지 ㅋㅋ
그것이 분간이 가지 않았기 때문이다

여튼 몇번 큰 걸로 한방씩 맞고
새로운 곳이라 실수하지 말아야 한다는 부담감
그리고 그것보다도 잘해야 한다는 부담감 그런것들이 다 엉켜서 무지무지 스트레스 많은 한주로
이번 주는 끝났다

아..... 주말이라 넘흐좋다 그냥 주말이라는 것 만으로도!

근데 정말 만 26세가 되니까 머리가 안돌아가기로 작정한건가?
갑자기 생각의 속도가 100배 느려진 느낌이다
매일매일 진흙더미에서 허우적거리는 느낌!

내일은 해피밸리에 있는 곳으로 집 보러감
조금 멀지만 좀더 집 다운 곳에서 살아볼까 하고
괜찮았으면 좋겠다

Monday, March 10, 2008

what a beautiful day! and...

날씨는 좋았지만 나의 일상은

점점 구려진다... 켁!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Random thoughts this wend

렌즈를 찾으러 안경점에 갔다
짙은 화장, 그리고 인조인 것이 너무 티나도록 두꺼운 마스카라를 한 백인 모델이
두꺼운 검은 뿔테 안경을 쓰고 어딘가를 바라보고 있는 광고사진
광고는 원래 거짓말 많지만 이건 the biggest joke라고 할만하다

금요일 밤에는 상해가 고향인 '닝'과 함께 저녁을 먹었다
얘는 머리는 프랑켄슈타인처럼 삐적삐적 하고
인상쓰면 눈에 주름이 지면서 더욱 프랑켄슈타인 같아지는데
모니터에 이상한게 있으면 재빨리 what the fxxx이 반사적으로 나오는 나보다 한살 어린앤데

같이 한국 음식점 가서 열두시까지 밥먹고 새벽한시까지 아스크림 퍼먹으면서
회사욕 했다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
얘가 너무 천연덕스럽게 웃겨서 진짜 내내 웃다가만 왔다

그나저나 새로 찾은 한국음식점에서
도토리묵이랑 감자전 살치살 넘 맛있게 먹었다

학생의 생활이 끝나고
이제는 정말 앞으로 계속 일을 하면서 살것 같은 그런 나이가 되니깐
주말, 쉼, 공간에 대해서 생각한다