Saturday, March 22, 2008

Afternoon tea at Marriot (HK) -cont.

Orange: on top, it is a kind of small sponge cake with orange/ mango source. You dip in the bottom part of fruity source with wild strawberry.

Green: dont' know what it is, my mum tried it. Looks like it is made or apple, or maybe olive?

They have extensive list of tea. Mainly Western, but some Chinese also.
I ordered Earl Grey (thought if they are good, then the traditional black tea will be superior), but I didn't notice any significant quality difference. Maybe it's me, I don't have sophisticated enough taste bud...

Many kinds of cookies in the jar, which I haven't even touched!
The yellow cake in the center, how people make those kind of shaped cakes?
Anyways, it tasted good with a bit of rasberry source...

Parents in town.
I know people say I am boring. Whenever short holiday I mostly spend time with family.
These days not even my sisters are coming along(they are BUSY) but only parents.

Well, but I think it's about time I want to experience them something nice...
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